Thursday, March 26, 2015

Traffic woes...

Bangalore road traffic is a killer. My office is just a 5 min drive, but yesterday it too me 25 mins because I was stuck. I think if I had walked I would have reached by 10 mins. But there I was stuck in my scooter. As I was cursing myself for getting stuck and was looking around... I saw most of the cars had just one person in it. Seriously occupying so much road space for one person!! It was the same picture whether the car is a maruti alto or a toyota fortruner. Seriously why take a fortruner for your office drive, as far as infrastructure is concerned we are not U.S. neither is U.S. as populated as us. Seriously with so many population we don't have space even for houses than to give space for a wider roads. I wont keep blaming the civic authorities, but at the max I feel we can make a difference. This traffic woe is not only for Bangalore, go to any major city, you will find the same woes..

May be its time we do something about it. I would suggest car pooling as an effective way. I know people have put all their car saving into buying a MUV or SUV, which they might effectivly use for travelling with their family/friends. And they might be so tight financially, they wont be able to afford a two wheeler for their office ride. That's ok, but if at all you are getting your fortruner to office, at least pick some more people.. Seriously we people have to wake up from our attitude to crib about government and civic authorities and start initiating things. I heard there are car pooling groups, which helps you get in touch with people who are up for car pooling.. may be we should start with that..

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