Thursday, March 26, 2015


Parenting is a tough job and that too if the said parenting involves kids in plural. Add to that a hubby who is travelling Monday to Friday and is only home on weekends. On top that say that you are living in sort of joint family with the said hubby brother and co. It just becomes a bit of too many balls to juggle. Though I was a SAHM till last year, not necessarily jobless. I think its something to do with today's notion of 'super mom' concept. No matter how much responsibility you have at home you still have that unbearable desire to become a working mom also. Somehow we cant bear ourselves with just being called as mom.. we always strive to be the one above it! Or as hubby used to point out its just that I want a place where I am not the only responsible adult.

Anyway there I was standing with one too many balls in the air. Work life is always bit tough in IT wherein you will never know when the day is going to be hectic and when its going to be lean. In this you add one or two maid who are as unreliable as they can be. To this there are the said kids, whose immunity is hit with todays environment that no two days are alike. Morning they will leave home bright and shining and return with what not viruses.

The days usually start around 5 in the morning and winds up after 11 in the night. So to repeat, yes parenting is tough, but juggling all the things is more like an impossible task. So there are always good days and bad days. But that's life and more so its a what I had made it. Most times when I sit and think, its actually a marathon that flows from one day to other. Who said family life is easy, may be that's the reason we have so many 'sadhus' propping up each day.

So in a world which is constantly running along with the hands of the clock, where is the place for relaxation or unwinding. In this race, I don't remember when my kids grew up so fast. By the time I learnt the intricacies of parenting, they are in the next stage. But still the positive side of joint family is always there to give you a helping hand. Before marriage or family, when I was a kid, I always used to yearn for someone who could just hug me with no reason and give me the strength for everyday. Being in a conservative south Indian family, the simple expression of love by hugging was always missing.

But after all these years of yearning and almost forgot that something like that exists, there came my nephew. He is the wee small boy of one year, who is ready waiting at my home as soon as I open the door. Before I even ask any one on how the day was, he will pull my dress, asking me to carry him. And as soon as he is in my arms, he will give such a wonderful hug with just one word 'Mamma'. Just at that moment all the tensions that been there and all the tensions that's yet to start.. all will be wiped out. The 'Baby' smell is such a wonder medicine and the love he give is so open, it melts everything. He is the highlight my day without a doubt.
And the main part is that he does the same for his dad, his mom and any one who returns from outside.
Isn't it amazing and what more can you ask for from life. This is home

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Emmanuel said...
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