Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Letter to my kutti...

Dear Vibha... ( I am sure thats the name u going to get... and f.y.i. I picked it :))

I know you are growing strong from the kicks you give me each day :) so I am not asking you how you are doing inside... So you who now are a part of me will soon become the apple of your papa and my eyes... More than me your papa is so happy and excited to meet you soon... he talks to u, wishes you good morning/good night and gives you lots kuchu kuchu... he does so much in ensuring that you are getting good care :) me am still dazed you can say, more so me am worried and how everything will work out once you are out in this BIG bad world.. Would your thata and pati ever meet u... how much will you be spoilt by your dada and dadi... how much pranks you going to play on your chacha... how much fun you going to have with your periamma and ramya... I am just eager to witness those things... you know nobody other than me and papa (and few of my friends) know that you are Vibha. For others you are still a baby cos we didn’t tell them, wanted to keep that as a surprise... :)

So what my kutti going to grow up like... I want you to be independent gal not spoilt but more a responsible one who knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it and keep it. Your papa wants you to be a traditional gal who will be like 'ghar ka naam roshan karegi' type of gal... I think you will have tough time in satisfying your papa dreams... so you going to be a mama gal or papa gal ;)

As parents we plan to be very strict in not to spoil you with lots of luxury... you need to learn to go by foot in dusty paths, bus with bumpy rides, train in hot humid days... and not expect a/c car and plane everywhere.. We won’t give you mobile phone while going to school and no car for school/ college... you will get your car when you earn and get it... Don’t we sound harsh... may be... may be we will have big fight over this when you are a demanding teenager... I am looking forward for that too :)

Hope you get your papa qualities of being close to family, talking out things, expressing your love without any restrictions, thought full of others feelings and you get mama qualities of to know when to keep silence, stick to the decision you make, weigh all positives/negatives before decision making.

But darling these are all our dreams and hopes... we are still open to some more suggestions from you too :) but for now we can take day-by-day baby steps... first lets see you soon and start our rosy life together. But have this knowledge that you are our beautiful daughter who can never be equated to anything... you are the first joy in our marriage life and will always be.

Love u,

1 comment:

That Girl said...

thank you for that.. it helps me a lot.. to look forward to this phase of life..