Friday, May 18, 2007

Being Pregnant

One of my friend was exclaiming that this entire year of her living is kinda lost as she is expecting.. but for me it seems to be a entire year full of events. each day gets u to a new event, some events are tough to handle, some r like whirlpool of wind n some r breeze. but all together from the moment i found i am pregnant till now each day is a new day with full of surprises (not all surprises being gud) leaving you shocked, worried, amazed n so on...
Suddenly u start thinking not only abt u alone but also the tiny, kutti being inside u. I have always been a selfish kinda person, who always think what i actually want in any situation before making a decision. But now that's changing, I need to make decision not for me but for my kutti one, which will make my kutti's life easy n comfortable. But also worried in the same instance that I am losing my identity...
I think i went thru the same phase when i got married, then it was losing identity for your hubs and I was feeling more resentful to it.. so much that I didn't change my surname till now :). But now when the same happens for my kutti n i think i am kinda welcoming the thought of losing me for my kutti :)...
Umm may be all this senti thing is happening cos of the pregnancy hormones i think :p


Sudipta Chatterjee said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Do write about the meeting of you two, and wish you a very fun-filled year ahead.

P.S. - Thanks for linking to me.

Sudipta Chatterjee said...

err... that was me