Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Growing up

As you know after kids I took a break from work sphere, a short term break stretched to a 5 year long break. Though I did some work-from-home stints, those are never considered as 'back to work sphere' things. Anyway this time I did enter back, though my better-half was worried that rather than choosing a different field I am entering the same old one. But as per the saying 'dogs tail cant be straightened' I did end up in the same field.

So was I elated, happy or content.. Actually I was in a panic attack mode, the pressure of whether I could actually 'manage all' was so much I literally was thinking of plans to run away from home. But other than the panic, what I felt like a punch was about the generation gap.

As years pass we never really comprehend that we are also growing. Yes you become a wife, a sister in law, a mother...but that realization of growing never happens. But when I went back to work my conversation were starting with 'in my time...' and suddenly I realize that Huge generation gap existing between me and the person sitting beside me.

With kids you welcome the 'gap' with pleasure, but with colleagues its like a smack-on-the-head. I checked with my better half about this, but he being the Zen said that its not surprising but something that's expected and something that needs to be respected.

It made me realize that I was ok becoming a mom, but never realized that I have Grown to become a mom and that mom part will be with always not just with my kids but I'll be a mom in all my interactions.

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