Sunday, September 30, 2007

Arrived! sonu kutti made her big entry on 8th Sep at 10:05 pm!!

How was the whole experience... it was as eventful as any delivery would be.. it was special, which i'll always keep in my heart.

It start with the doc starting the inducing at 9:30 am. The hospital was a cool place, we both were all prepared ( or thought so) and went with all things as per friends advice. Initially i didnt feel anything, even though the monitor showed i started my labour process. The hospital room TV had 'I Love Lucy' program running and I was enjoying myself. The doc when she saw me laughing, she knew that she has to do something to shatter my self enjoyment:) So she broke my water... From there the actual trip started.

When the pain kicked in, hubs became my labour coach and I started with the intial breathing exercises... The nurse also was constantly nagging me to rate the pains. After what seemed like ages of pain, I asked the nurse to check my dilation. I thought she is gona say i am all 10 cm done... But I had reached only 3.5 cm :( So I asked about my option for epidural (the labour life saver amrith) but it turned out that cos of my low platelets, i wont get it... So there goes my hope...

I was worried on how i'll manage, but hubs was all postive and started pepping me up for normal delivery without epidural. So there we started, every contraction pain seemed like a year of pain and i was only aware of each pain starting and gap of rest between pain.. Hubs was playing 'Om namo narayana' in the background. I tired sitting in rocking chair, birthing ball, kneeling with hubs.. but everything was temporary reliver.

So in the end she came out at 10:05. When I saw her tiny face and heard her tiny cry..I was more happy that she is out and the pain is over :) So by the time everything was cleaned and we shifted to our post delivery room, me and hubs were ready to crash in with our little girl. But she had her own plans and neither of us had our rest, we just took turns in pacifying her :)

1 comment:

SwB said...

Many congratulations! I hope both mommy and kutti are doing well.
